
Vincent D. Feldman's practice is project based.  It involves a vigorous, creative and thoughtful embrace of aspects of the built environment that generate meaningful reflection on who we were, are now and hope to be as a culture.  His passion for the architectural image captured in formats ranging from documentation to gallery installations generates new discoveries for both the professional and lay person.

Philadelphia Museum of Art  "Here and Now: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs by Ten Philadelphia Artists", Fall 2011

Philadelphia Museum of Art  "Here and Now: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs by Ten Philadelphia Artists", Fall 2011

His current project, Tokyo Mo-dan brings together, for broader discussion, a platform engaging a range of subjects important to understanding modern Japan.  In this work Tokyo's architectural and urban design legacy are forefront but individual landmarks within this series help highlight aspects of the fascinating social and political history of a nation and its mammoth capital.  The presentation of Tokyo Mo-dan is in development now.  Collaborators are being sought to contribute essays on topics raised by the work and for curatorial development in the presentation of this decade long in-depth project. 

The Philadelphia Union League Library,  Library Hour Author Series, August 2015.  Photo courtesy of the Union League

The Philadelphia Union League Library,  Library Hour Author Series, August 2015.  Photo courtesy of the Union League

In the early 1990s Feldman began concentrating on architectural photography as a way of exploring and addressing histories that have struggled to become known.  Work in Philadelphia concentrated on the conflicts and questions "written" across the facades of historic buildings and established subject testimonies that illuminate our understanding of the deep urban decline the city experienced in the late 20th Century.  Through Feldman’s photography we discover the stories imbedded within buildings, encapsulating stories about the nature of societies, their design, political and social histories as well as there fate and regard by the authorities.  

Feldman's project on Philadelphia was published in 2014.  City Abandoned: Charting the Loss of Civic Institutions in Philadelphia compiled the work of 13 years of photography within the neighborhoods of Philadelphia which suffered under a decades long policy of federal redlining and corresponding disinvestment.  This work received awards for its support of education and advocacy of historic preservation and by Graphis International for its design.  Feldman's work is collected by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Smithsonian, and other major institutions.  He is a 2001 recipient of the Pew Fellowship in the Arts.

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Lecture: Rikumo, April, 2016.

Lecture: Rikumo, April, 2016.

Print Viewing: Rikumo, April, 2016.

Print Viewing: Rikumo, April, 2016.

Annual Preservation Awards with publisher Paul Dry, The Philadelphia Union League, June 2015.

Annual Preservation Awards with publisher Paul Dry, The Philadelphia Union League, June 2015.

With architectural historian David Stewart and his wife Toshiko, Tokyo, 2016.  Photo by Kaori Ikeuchi

With architectural historian David Stewart and his wife Toshiko, Tokyo, 2016.  Photo by Kaori Ikeuchi

Tokyo Mo-dan editing. Photo by Kaori Ikeuchi

Tokyo Mo-dan editing. Photo by Kaori Ikeuchi