Penn Today, Kroiz exhibit illuminates the abstract in modern Japanese architecture
Design Good Eye, Inga Saffron, The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18th, 2018.
Hiddencity Daily, May 23rd, 2018. Ours To Lose Captures West Philly Landmarks In Decline
Rikumo Journal, Interview on Tokyo Mo-dan, April 15th, 2016.
Henry J. Magaziner, EFAIA Award & Preservation Education Award recipient, 2015 Annual Preservation Awards, The Union League, June 3rd, 2015.
-Silver Award for Book Design, Graphis 2015 Design Annual Competition.
-Pulitzer Prize winner Inga Saffron reviews "City Abandoned" in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Friday, March 14th, 2014.
The PhillyHistory Blog By Ken Finkel Published: March 12, 2014
-Listen to WHYY interview by Dave Heller of Newsworks, Thursday, March 13th, 2014.
-The Wall Street Journal reviews "City Abandoned", Saturday, March 8th, 2014
-Listen to an interview by Jim Cotter of WRTI Creatively Speaking "Philadelphia Photographer Documents a Changing City". Monday, February 24th, 2014
-Read Interview by Peter Woodall of Hidden City Philadelphia. January 28, 2014